A project to treat over 30,000 square metres of roads in Derby starts Thursday 5th September.

The process is called Surface Dressing. The work is required to seal the road against possible water and frost damage and to reduce the likelihood of further potholes developing. The treatment will also restore skid resistance to improve road safety.

The project is expected to last two weeks, and will cost approximately £313,000 which will be funded from the Highway and Transport Work Programme budget for 2019-20.

The roads being treated are:

  • Harvey Road from Osmaston Road (spider island) to Shardlow Road
  • Burton Road from Manor Road/Warwick Avenue to Abbey Street.

A team from Kier Highway Services will carry out this work on behalf of the Council.  The team will work during the day where the work will be restricted to 9.30am – 3.30pm and 6.30 – 10.00pm and during weekends from 8.00am – 10.00pm

Derby City Council will notify affected residents and Kier Highway Services will notify anyone whose roads are being treated the day before they plan to start work. The Council will keep everyone aware on social media of how the project is progressing, and there will be notices on all the main thoroughfares to keep road-users informed.

Traffic management measures will be in place where appropriate. This will take the form of stop/go boards and lane closures. Roads will be kept open as much as is possible, and road markings will be replaced approximately one week after the surface dressing treatment.

Councillor Matthew Holmes, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Planning and Transportation said:

I’d like to encourage motorists to drive carefully and  observe the slow speed signs, particularly during the first few days after application of the treatment. As long as the signs are observed, it will avoid damage to vehicles. Residents in the area receiving treatment can also assist us by making sure that their cars are not parked on the street to be treated.  We appreciate everyone’s patience while we undertake this improvement work.