From Friday 5th July, evening visitors to Derby will be able to benefit from discounted parking rates, at the city’s Park Safe Bold Lane car park – one of the safest and securest car parks in the world.

In a bid to keep vehicles off the street and more secure, encourage more people into the city, and offer an alternative safe way home, Derby City Council have introduced discounted parking rates of up to 60% at its Bold Lane car park from 6.00pm – 8.00am every Friday and Saturday evening.

The car park is manned 24/7 and has CCTV covering every parking bay in the multi-storey car park.

Visitors will be charged:
0-2 hours £2 (normally £3.20)
2-6 hours £3 (normally £5)
6+ hours £6.90 (normally £6 for 4-5 hours and £10.20 for over six hours).

Users at the car park can pay for parking by card and smart phone facilities, following installation earlier in the year.

Councillor Matthew Holmes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Planning and Transportation said:

This supports the excellent work the Council has done to secure the Purple Flag award for a second successive occasion, and achieve more recently, the 2019 Best in Place winners award. By offering discounted parking at our state of the art Park Safe Bold Lane car park, I believe it demonstrates the commitment the Council has to improve on our already excellent standards in managing the night time economy. This is part of our efforts to encourage customers to come to experience the City Centre attractions. Park Safe Bold Lane is a location where drivers can park for a heavily discounted amount and that reduces the potential for vehicle crime whilst also promoting personal safety. Visiting Derby and the City Centre need to be a positive experience and we are determined to ensure we do everything we can to ensure that is the case.

Derby City Council was first awarded the Purple Flag status for its city centre and night time economy offer in July 2013, and was announced as winner of the Purple Flag Association of Town and City Management’s Best in Place Winner Award 2019, at an awards ceremony last week.

Purple Flag is an accreditation scheme that recognises excellent management of city centres at night.