At their meeting in July, the Council’s Cabinet approved the reintroduction of kerbside recycling collections in three inner city areas.

Residents in these areas are now able to register for the service.

Service start dates and bin deliveries

  • If you have a blue bin, register by Sunday 13th October to start recycling from Monday 14th October.
  • If you need a new blue bin and register by 13th October you should receive your new bin and be able to start recycling before Christmas.
  • We expect most blue bins will be delivered late October or during November. As soon as you receive your bin, start to recycle and put your bin out for collection.
  • Those who sign up after 13th October, will have bins delivered as soon as possible. Early sign-ups will be given priority and if demand is high, you may not get your bin before Christmas.

Councillor Jonathan Smale, Cabinet Member for Streetpride and Public Protection commented:

We know that communities have been crying out for this and I’m delighted that we’ve been able to put everything in place to roll out the project earlier than anticipated. I’d really like to encourage as many residents as possible to register for the service and recycle for Derby!

Collection day

Blue bins may be collected on a different day to your black bin, so please do check before you put your bin out for collection.

The easiest way to find out when your blue bin is due to be emptied is to check our website. Please note our bin day look up tool will automatically display your collection day before your service start date. If you are waiting for a bin to be delivered, please ignore these; collections will start when you receive your bin.

Alternatively, call Streetpride on 0333 200 6981 to find out.

Important information

Please make sure that your blue bin is placed at the boundary of your property by 6.30am on collection day unless you have an assisted collection in place. You must return your bin to your property after collection.

Weekly black collections will continue in these areas as well.

What can I recycle?

You should recycle the items listed below in your blue bin. Please wash and squash your recycling and please don’t put anything that can’t be recycled in your blue bin as we will be unable to empty it.

For more information, visit our website.