Measures to tackle speeding vehicles and curb inappropriate though-traffic in Mackworth will be introduced, following complaints from local residents to ward councillors.

To improve public safety in the area, traffic calming measures will be introduced on both Slack Lane and Cheviot Street. The work will commence on Monday 16th September and will take approximately 13 weeks

Every attempt will be made to keep disruption to a minimum.  It is expected that there will be a five day closure at the junction of Uttoxeter Old Road and Slack Lane, during the October half term when traffic levels are lower, to further minimise disruption.

We advise road users to plan a little extra time for their journey while the works are taking place.

If you have any questions regarding the scheme itself, please contact the Traffic and Transportation Team.

Councillor Matthew Holmes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Planning and Transportation said:

As always, the team will work hard to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum while the works take place, and I would like to thank residents and road users in advance for their patience.