Two of Derby Active’s Health and Wellbeing Advisors are taking on a 12 hour static bike challenge to raise money for NHS Charities Together, Treetops Hospice and the Macmillan Unit at Royal Derby Hospital.

Helen Treece, from Springwood Leisure Centre, and Steve Summers, from Derby Arena, will be cycling non-stop at their homes from 7am to 7pm on Sunday 26th April, replicating the shift hours of a frontline NHS staff member as they take care of patients who are seriously ill with Covid-19. Both staff members will be leading live indoor cycling sessions during the event, so supporters with a static bike or turbo trainer can join them for part of the session.

Helen said:

We will be raising money for the NHS Charities Together, and for Treetops Hospice and Macmillan, who are doing a fantastic job in the background right now supporting people who have a terminal illness.  Steve and I will be virtually side by side, and we will be doing a couple of indoor cycling classes as part of the challenge, so please come and join us during our 12 hours.

Helen and Steve are aiming to raise £1,000 and have set up a Go Fund Me page. You can follow their progress on social media throughout the day, by following Springwood Leisure Centre’s Facebook and Twitter, Derby Arena’s Facebook and Twitter and the Derby Active Instagram page.