An exciting regeneration project is underway at the Castleward area in the city centre.  This is a priority project for the Derby City Centre Masterplan 2030, with the key partners for delivery being Derby City Council, Homes England and Compendium Living.  Adjacent to this development area is a proposal for a new major housing development on the former DRI site which comprises of 796 dwellings.

Currently, the Castleward development is up to Phase 2 and will have a minimum of 398 homes, with more properties due in future phases of the development.  Based on these 1194 dwellings, it is estimated that 133 primary school pupils will be living locally with very limited capacity at local primary schools in this part of the city.

To accommodate the increase number of primary school age pupils from the two developments, a new 210 place one-form of entry primary school, with an admission number of 30 is proposed.  The school will also include a 26 place nursery.  The proposal is for the school’s catchment area will be to align directly with the new housing to serve pupils from both of the developments. The school will have the provision to provide 315 places, with a 39 place nursery, if further additional capacity is required as a result of future Castleward development phases.

The new school will build pupil numbers yearly, increasing by one year group each year.  On opening, in September 2021, the school will admit children into the Reception year group only.  In September 2022 the school will admit into Reception and Year 1 pupils, and so on until all year groups are open.

Councillor Evonne Williams,  Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said:

This is an exciting opportunity to run an inner city school within the Castleward Urban Village. We hope there will be great interest in running the new school and look forward to reviewing the proposals in the months ahead.

The new school will be funded through capital investment, through funding from the D2N2 LEP, Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund and Section 106 funding.

In line with the Education Act 2011, where a Local Authority thinks there is a need for a new school in its area, it must seek proposals from potential sponsors to establish a free school.

Derby City Council is now seeking proposals from Academy Trusts who are able to deliver high quality education and establish the primary school ready for opening in September 2021.