Moorways Athletics Stadium has achieved official recognition for being among the best-managed facilities in the country. The TrackMark accreditation, awarded by UK Athletics, means it meets the high standard required to host competitions at a national level, as well as local and regional events.

Qualifying venues need to reach a high standard in six areas, including the layout and condition of the track, facilities for field sports and competition hosting, to achieve the TrackMark. How the venue is managed and maintained, as well as facilities for disabled athletes and spectators are also taken into account. Venues can only host UK Athletics licensed competitions if they have the TrackMark accreditation.

The stadium’s success marks the next stage in the development of Moorways Sports Village, where site works for a new indoor water park and 50m swimming pool are under way. When work is completed, the village will also include the track, the sports pitches, soft play and health and fitness facilities.

Councillor Robin Wood, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture, said:

Now that Moorways has achieved TrackMark, it is recognised by UK Athletics as having well managed, well maintained facilities that are accessible to participants of all abilities. UK Athletics say TrackMark accredited venues help to support athletics clubs to attract more members and build a sustainable future. Encouraging more participation in sports is part of the vision of the new Moorways Sports Village, so this certificate plays a vital part in this.

Barry Parker, chairman of Derby Athletic Club, said:

It is very good news to know that Moorways Stadium has achieved TrackMark because it shows the care and planning of Derby City Council to ensure that the Track & Field facilities are internationally compliant and safe for athletes to use for competition and training.