Since the Government said play areas and outdoor gyms could reopen from Saturday 4th July, the team at Derby Parks have been pulling out all the stops to make it happen.

The good news is we aim to have all these facilities up and running by the end of this weekend (4th-5th July) It will take a while to reopen all 82 play areas and 11 outdoor gyms across the city’s parks and open spaces, so please bear with us.

Visitors are asked to follow this guidance to make sure we can minimise the risks of the coronavirus spreading, and keep us all as safe as possible.

Play areas:

  • Please do not visit the park if anyone in your family has symptoms of the virus.
  • Every play area will have signs showing how many children are allowed to play there at any one time. Please respect this.
  • Continue to follow safe social distancing of at least two metres where possible. Encourage your child to do the same.
  • Some facilities may remain closed if there isn’t enough room for safe social distancing.
  • Wash your hands before leaving the house and when you get back home. At the park, use hand sanitiser regularly, and especially before and after eating, and after touching shared surfaces such as gates, railings, climbing frames etc.
  • Bring wipes to clean the areas of play equipment that children are most likely to touch, such as the handles on see seesaws, bars on climbing frames, etc.
  • Discourage children from putting their hands in their mouths after playing, and from putting their mouths on the play equipment.
  • Avoid eating or drinking within play areas. If the bins are full, take your litter home with you.

Outdoor gyms:

  • Avoid using the gym if you feel unwell.
  • Wash or sanitise your hands before and after using the gym.
  • Bring your cleaning products with you and wipe down the equipment before and after use.
  • Maintain social distancing of two metres where possible.

At Markeaton Park, Footgolf, Pitch and Putt and Disc Golf have now reopened and are open daily from 10.30am. The play areas will be reopening this weekend, but pay to play attractions such as mini golf, bouncy castles and electric cars remain closed at this time. The paddling pool remains closed in line with current Government guidance, and also because safe social distancing is not possible around the pool. The splash pad at Chaddesden Park also remains closed.

Currently limited toilet provision is available in the Craft Village at Markeaton Park and these are the only toilets available in parks across the city. Parking charges also apply at Markeaton Park. For the latest information, see the InDerby Covid-19 page.

Visitors are reminded that current Government restrictions allow you to meet outdoors with people from outside your household, in a group of up to six.