Last week was National Volunteers Week and despite being in our third month of the coronavirus pandemic we have so much to be thankful for.

Time and again the volunteers of Derby have gone above and beyond for their neighbours, for those in their community at most risk of catching coronavirus and supporting our key workers, selflessly donating their time or skills in their thousands. They are all stars!

Whilst no gesture would ever be enough of a thank you, Community Action Derby together with Derby City Council wanted to offer a little gesture of appreciation to just some of our fantastic volunteers within our communities, with a random act of kindness.

Thanks to Tracey and the team at Flowerworld Derby, over 50 beautiful bouquets were delivered to some of our communities ‘shining stars’ direct to their door, with a handwritten note that simply says… Thank you.

Volunteers delivering the flowers included Rachel North, Strategic Director of Communities and Place.

Councillor Nicola Roulstone, Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement who leads on the Community Hub response said:

The community response to coronavirus in Derby has been quite simply phenomenal. We simply could not have done this without the support of our residents sticking their hands up and saying ‘yes, I can help’. We can never say thank you enough, every single act of kindness undertaken has had an impact on our community, Derby has shown that working together we can create a safer stronger city.