Street Cleansing teams have been out in force as the city centre prepares to reopen from 15th June, as lockdown measures are reduced

Over the last few weeks, teams have been busy scrubbing, sweeping, jet washing, replacing litter bins and more to help keep visitors and residents stay safe.

The River gardens in particular has been totally transformed as grime was blasted off the walls, bollards and steps along the river bank.

Deep cleans have also taken place at The Spot, Morledge and other city centre areas including St Peters Street.  One of the toughest jobs faced was removing chewing gum from the streets.

Councillor Jonathan Smale, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Public Protection and Streetpride said:

All of our teams have done and continue to do fantastic work in the city centre. They have been working throughout the lockdown to look after the city and keep it clean, and have increased activity, to help us all stay safe as more people are expected to come into the city.  High streets are at the centre of our communities, and we all have a part to play, in keeping them nice.  I’d like to encourage all visitors to acknowledge this hard work, by putting litter and chewing gum in the bins.