The closure of the leisure centres due to lockdown has offered us all a great chance to find new ways to enjoy our favourite sports and leisure activities. We have all had to adapt to living a little bit differently, and our amazing Derby Active team have spent their lockdown creating resources and training plans to challenge you while at home, and to keep you fit and active ready for when we can welcome you back.

Lyndsey, from Derby Arena, challenged her 8 year old son, Charlie, to train to run 5km. As a keen footballer, Charlie was already used to lots of running in his positon on the wing, so this was the perfect challenge to keep him active and help improve his stamina ready for returning to the football field.

Lyndsey says:

Charlie has done a little bit of running over the last 12 months and did his first race in September 2019 when he took part in the Nottingham mini marathon (1.5 miles). Charlie really enjoyed running in the event and the whole race atmosphere, so we decided to get his mileage up to 5km so he can start taking part in park runs. Lockdown was the perfect time to concentrate on improving mileage.

Together Lyndsey and Charlie created a 4 week plan, slowly increasing the distance they were aiming to run. In week one, they ran 2km, and worked up to running 5km in week four. In between their long runs, they have also done short distance running and sprint training, all of which will be useful to Charlie when he’s back in football training!

Lyndsey adds:

When we first started training he was having to stop for a rest and a drink but now he can run for 5km without stopping. Charlie enjoys running because he loves his sports and achieving new things. He finds running difficult but feels very pleased with himself after he’s achieved a running target.

Great work Charlie! If you want to adapt your skills like Charlie has done, or learn something new in lockdown, check out the Derby Active at Home page. You will find some great resources there, such as our Learn to Swim activities, helping to keep our swimmers’ skill level up while they are away from the pool; Springtots training videos so that our young gymnasts can keep practising their stretching and flexibility; trampoline coaching advice, with some great tips on training even while off the trampolines; and cycling tips from Derby Arena Head Coach, Phil Kilpatrick, ensuring you and your bike stay in tip top condition ready for when the track reopens. Share with us how you have adapted your skills during lockdown on social media – we’d love to hear of more achievements like Charlie’s 5km!