This morning, the online booking system for Raynesway Household Waste Recycle Centre (HWRC) has gone live and residents can now book their time slot for essential visits to the site. The 15-minute time slots are available from this Saturday (16th May) and can be booked up to 30 days in advance.

Without a booking, people will not be granted entry, and will be turned away. Turning up without a pre-booked slot will inevitably cause delays for those who have booked.

To book, residents should visit the MiPermit website. You will need to register for the service before you can book a slot. Registration and booking are a simple process and we have put together a short video that takes you through the process. Those who are unable to book online can call 0333 2006981.

We are continuing to work closely with MiPermit to enable the Raynesway booking service to feature on the MiPermit app, but for now you will need to use the website.

As we announced earlier this week, the site will be available for residents – who have no other means of disposing of waste – with a number of practical measures put into place to ensure Government safety guidance is still adhered to. These measures include:

  • You must have a pre-booked time slot. No booking, no entry – this is to help us reduce delays and congestion on surrounding roads and to keep staff and visitors safe.
  • The number of people allowed onto the site at one time will be limited so that social distancing is maintained
  • Where possible, only one adult from each household should visit the site.
  • Two people from a household can visit together if they are bringing large waste items such as a fridge freezer or sofa.
  • Staff on-site will not be able to help to unload items for the vast majority of visitors – this is so we can maintain social distancing. However, help will be available for those that genuinely need it and you can ask.

Please remember, you should only book to visit Raynesway if:

  • It is essential – if waste can be stored safely at home, then your trip is not essential
  • You are unable to make use of other options such as the bulky waste service, a licensed waste carrier, hiring a skip or the free garden waste service
  • You’ve considered reuse and recycle options such as Facebook Market Place, Freecycle, Gumtree etc.
  • You or anyone in your household has not had any coronavirus symptoms for the last 14 days
  • You are not in one of the Government’s vulnerable or shielding categories
  • You are only bringing waste from your own household.

Further details about how to keep yourself and others safe when visiting are on our website.

Residents can book slots to visit from 8.00am on Saturday. Please do not arrive more than 20 minutes early to the site. From Saturday, the site will be open on the following days and times (we have reduced weekday times to prevent disruption to wheelie bin collections):

Monday 8 am – 6 pm
Tuesday 4 pm – 8 pm
Wednesday 4 pm – 8 pm
Thursday 4 pm – 8 pm
Friday 4 pm – 8 pm
Saturday 8 am – 6 pm
Sunday 8 am – 6 pm

Councillor Jonathan Smale, Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Streetpride commented:

I’m thrilled that we’re able to get the site up and running from Saturday – an immense amount of hard work has gone on to make this happen, but things will be different. To make sure that everyone who needs to can use the site, please follow our advice and only visit if it is essential and you have booked. If the site is misused, we will be forced to close again.