As we enter into Tier 2 and now the new national measures from Thursday we’re appealing again for more support from our citizens to be Good Neighbours. Let's all look out for each other and help those who need support, however big or small in our fight against COVID-19, mental health and winter loneliness. If you can help out in your immediate local neighbourhood please do.

You could use this as an opportunity to get to know that person you only wave at occasionally and if there is a silver lining to the current situation then perhaps it can be the creation of tighter-knit, friendly communities that look out for each other.

There's some really useful national guidance on how to offer help safely which provides information on how to stay safe when providing or receiving support which may be of interest. 

If you don't know anyone directly but can offer support to someone in need in the city then contact the Community Hub on 01332 640000 and we'll do our best to match you up with someone close by.

The Hub was created by the Council, Community Action Derby and Derby Homes, in March to coordinate help and support for people who need it during this national crisis.

Through the hub, we can assist anyone in the community who is vulnerable, self-isolating, or needs support.

Those who need support can also call the Hub 01332 640000. Text service for the deaf community: 0777 4333412. Please remember this offer of support is for our most vulnerable residents.

The line will open between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. There’s also a dedicated email: Covid Support that can be contacted. 

Should there be any emergency care needs due to the Coronavirus call the emergency OOH Careline number on 01332 956606

Councillor Roy Webb, Cabinet Member for Adults Health and Housing said:

We’re asking people to “Do the Right Thing for Derby” to combat the spread of coronavirus this winter and this really is part of that. Looking out for one another street by street, neighbours helping neighbours. Maybe you too can make a real difference to someone’s life.

To those who need support I would say that the Community Hub is there to help if you need it, whether that is help with food or just someone reassuring to talk to. The teams on the ground have really risen to the challenge of responding to this crisis and with your help we can continue through the difficult months ahead to make sure we pull through together.