Derby City Council is gearing up to support local businesses as the city prepares for tier 2 coronavirus restrictions.

Earlier in the year, while the nation was in lockdown, the Council coordinated financial support for local businesses in a bid to sustain Derby’s shops, restaurants, bars, hotels and many other businesses.

From April, £42.35m of Small Business Grants were distributed, 3,465 businesses were given Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grants (RHLGF), and the Council’s own Discretionary ‘Top Up’ Fund helped 390 businesses who were not eligible for any other Government grants.

This support was a lifeline for our local economy during a time of uncertainty.

Now, as the city prepares for further COVID-19 restrictions (although Derby currently remains in tier 1), the Council is already planning how it will continue its support for local businesses.

The Chancellor made a statement last week in the House of Commons which included measures for businesses in high level alert areas.

Councillor Nicola Roulstone, Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement said:

“Derby’s local businesses have moved mountains over the last six months – they’ve shown innovation and resilience as they adapt to Government guidance at the drop of a hat. I’m truly in awe of them and commend them for what they have achieved.

“While Derby is not yet in tier 2, we want to make sure we’re on the front foot and are ready to help Derby’s businesses as soon as possible.”

The Chancellor announced that businesses, primarily in the hospitality, accommodation and leisure sector will be eligible to receive up to £2,100 for every month that tier 2 restrictions apply.

“I’m proud of the work we’ve done to support our local businesses so far. Our teams worked tirelessly to help businesses in Derby.

“There were some teething issues to begin with. Councils were asked to turnaround the distribution of grants at lighting speed, but we’re in a much better position this time, as we’re not starting from scratch, and are proactively preparing to deliver a new scheme.

“We’re able to design a scheme based on our previous experiences earlier in the year, learning from them, and improving our delivery.”

Full details of the scheme, and how to apply, will be released once finalised, however the grants will only be available once Derby is in tier 2 coronavirus restrictions.