Derby’s Director of Public Health, Dr Robyn Dewis, is asking for Derby citizens to act now by not mixing households to reduce the spread of coronavirus in the city.

Dr Dewis has confirmed that Derby is very likely to move up to ‘high’ COVID local alert level – also known as tier two – imminently. However, given the sharp spike in cases, she is urging citizens to start adhering to the new restrictions now:

“We are at a critical turning point in the city. Without us all taking swift and significant action now by not mixing households, we are likely to continue to see a rise in cases across Derby at a rapid rate.”

Tier 2 restrictions mean the following must be adhered to:

  • We shouldn’t mix with other households (apart from those in our support bubble) indoors
  • We should only meet with other households outdoors and in groups of no more than six
  • We should work from home if possible
  • We shouldn’t make non-essential travel and should reduce the number of journeys we make

Dr Dewis also pressed the importance of our actions on the safety of ourselves and our loved ones, and that we should not consider ourselves to have a ‘free pass’ until restrictions are formally in place.

“Doing the right thing for Derby now will help keep us all safer tomorrow. Our actions can have a direct impact on the likelihood of our family and friends contracting the virus.

“We shouldn’t see this period as a ‘last hurrah’ before restrictions are in place, for example by mixing households or making non-essential travel. We should all start acting now as though we are already in Tier 2 to prevent further spread of the virus.”

“We should also remember that acting now could prevent us from needing even more severe restrictions, such as those under Tier 3. Our actions will not only protect ourselves and loved ones – but our businesses, health and care staff, schools and vulnerable people. We will be protecting Derby.”

She also gave a reminder of our basic, but vital guidelines for slowing the spread of COVID-19:

“While Derby is likely to have new official restrictions coming into force imminently, and we should all be following them, it is important we don’t forget our vital measures to keep loved ones safe.

“Keeping our distance, washing our hands, wearing a face covering where we can and self-isolating and applying for a test when we have symptoms are all essential to protect our families and friends from contracting the virus.”

Derby City Council has confirmed that Tier 2 restrictions will mean that businesses in the city may be eligible for additional financial support. A new system is in the process of being set up to ensure the swift and smooth distribution of funding. Read more.

You can read more details about the system and what each tier entails on the government website