Derby City Council is encouraging Derby smokers to join its free healthy lifestyle service, Livewell to boost their chances of quitting successfully during Stoptober.

The 28-day stop smoking challenge takes place during October and is based on research that shows if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to stay smoke-free for good.  And people who get expert support from local stop smoking services like Livewell are up three times as likely to succeed.

Debbie Keegan (49) from Oakwood has set her quit date for 1 October on the Stoptober app.  After relapsing previously, she is more determined than ever to quit for good this time and has sought Livewell’s help to achieve her aim:

It’s a scary time with the threat of the pandemic and the increased risk smoking has on my health, particularly as I have asthma. My teenage children make me feel guilty with their comments about me potentially not being around to see them grow into adulthood.  That’s why I decided now was the right time to quit. Setting a plan is part of the process – telling family and friends so I feel accountable and getting the right support from Livewell to see me through the Stoptober challenge to a healthier future without cigarettes.

Cllr Roy Webb, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Housing said:

It’s so important we take care of ourselves right now and stopping smoking is a good way to start.  As a former smoker I know how difficult it is to quit but I also know the immediate benefits you experience as your lungs repair and you can breathe easier.  Getting the right support and treatments can make all the difference and the Livewell team is ready to help.

Dr Gillian Lowrey, Respiratory Physician at the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton said:

Quitting is the biggest thing you can do to protect your health and boost your immune system and Stoptober provides a perfect opportunity.  It’s never too late to quit and I’d urge all smokers in Derby to join Livewell to take on the challenge and succeed.

The official Stoptober challenge begins on Tuesday 1st October; people can choose to start their quit up until the end of October as part of the campaign. However, smokers can quit any time with the help of our Livewell team, who offer 12 months of free support and stop smoking treatments to anyone registered to a Derby GP practice.  To sign up and book a phone appointment, go to the Livewell website.