Residents and businesses will have their say on Derby’s new planning policy. Work will start next year and a new Local Plan will be developed in time for 2024.

Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Decarbonisation, Strategic Planning and Transport, said:

We are making sure that residents get their say. Housing and planning is a major concern for many people. With a new local plan Derby can create planning polices to help tackle the issues of our time, shape the future of our city and build back better.

The current 2017 local plan which sets out areas for development has been successful at delivering much needed new housing, including redeveloping brown field sites such Castleward and the former DRI for housing as well as delivering new primary schools while also protecting green spaces.

Recently the Government has changed the formula used to calculate how many new houses are required built in an area. This means Derby must plan for 35% more homes per year than previously. A new local plan will be important in setting out how we respond to this challenge and in defining the sort of future developments that will be permitted. It also provides an opportunity to address issues such as climate change and changes to the way we live and work.

Work on the new plan will begin next year, a wide ride range of stakeholders will be engaged including residents, communities and businesses to gather ideas and inform the proposals. It is hoped a draft local plan will be ready for public consultation by Spring 2023 and approved in the Autumn. It will then be independently examined before being formally adopted in Winter 2024.

A new cross-party working group of Derby councillors will be created to oversee the creation of the local plan. The new working group will provide the opportunity for all political parties to work together, consider the full range of Local Plan issues and how to address them.

Details about how residents and stakeholders can get involved will be announced next year.