Residents living in private rented homes are being encouraged to seek help with tenancy issues before the Government’s eviction ban comes to an end on Monday 31 May.

The emergency measures, which came into effect in March 2020, were designed to protect those hit financially by the COVID-19 pandemic, however from 31 May, landlords will be able to begin eviction proceedings if they provide a minimum of 14 days’ notice.

Now Derby City Council is urging any tenant who thinks they might be at risk to get in touch with the Private Rented Sector (PRS) Access Team. The team provide a range of support to help you and your landlord resolve issues, including:

  • A mediation service
  • Grants or interest free loans for up to two months of rent arrears, if eligible
  • Support claiming any benefits you may be entitled to
  • Referring you for help with money management or debt issues.

A recent study by Citizens Advice estimated that around half a million private renters had fallen behind with rent payments due to the pandemic. As the eviction band comes to an end, our teams are ready to help local residents who are part of this group.

Cllr Roy Webb, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Housing, said the council was prepared for a potential rise in evictions once the Government’s protection ends, and urged people to seek help early. He said:

Ensuring Derby residents have a safe and secure home is a key priority for the Council and our partners. We have teams ready to help tenants and their landlords.

The coronavirus pandemic has had a major impact on the finances of tenants who may now be at risk of losing their homes. If residents are concerned, it is important that they reach out for support as soon as possible to get the best outcome.

For advice or help to secure your own home in the private rented sector, email the Private Rented Sector Access Team, call 01332 888777 or visit the Derby City Council website.