Members of the Rehousing Engagement Support Team (REST) were out and about as part of a community engagement in Normanton last week.

It was part of a police-led operation along with other partners, including the City Council’s Neighbourhood Team and Public Protection Officers, which aims to tackle the ongoing problem of anti-social behaviour which has affected businesses and communities living in the surrounding areas.

The operation, which started in September 2021, focuses on street drinking, begging and general anti-social behaviour within Normanton and Arboretum.

This week the group spoke to members of the public about fly-tipping, dog fouling and bin collections.

Support Workers from REST, David Alton and Jesus Rendon, spent time on Wednesday to talk to local residents about the services they provide. David said:

It was a really beneficial afternoon and we've now done a number of these outreach activities this year. We plan to continue these engagements as they've been really successful so far.

It's fantastic to demonstrate excellent partnership working with the police and the City Council. 

By being a visible presence, we are often approached and talk to people and find out how we can help them.”

Police Sergeant of Derbyshire Constabulary, Ben Frearson is leading on the engagement added:

We are only too aware this behaviour impacts our residents, businesses and those who visit this vibrant area and look to make full use of the local shops, restaurants and cafés, the initiative will also focus on the individuals themselves with support services being on hand to assist.

The impact of anti-social behaviour in the area can affect the quality of life for many people, we are keen to work with our partners and communities to improve the situation and will look to use a variety of methods to achieve the aims and objectives of the operation.

Officers will be seen in the area and we encourage the community to engage with us, report their concerns and arm us with as much information as possible as we strive to make the area a better place to live, work and visit."

 Councillor Matthew Eyre, Cabinet Member for Place and Community Development said:

This operation has been another really valuable exercise in joint working between ourselves, Derby Homes and Derbyshire Police.

Anti-social behaviour is a blight on our communities and has such a huge negative impact on residents, visitors and businesses. Our job is primarily to stop that behaviour, but also to help those who need support from services like REST.”