On Wednesday 6 October, a report will be presented at the Streetpride and Public Spaces Cabinet Member Meeting that will change the charges for replacement and additional wheelie bins.

To reduce barriers to recycling and boost recycling rates, the current charge of £40 for additional brown (garden and food waste) bins will be scrapped. Instead, replacement black (residual waste) bins will become chargeable at a cost of £25. Additional and replacement blue (dry recycling) bins will remain free of charge.

The new £25 charge will apply to black bins that have been lost, stolen or damaged by residents. It will also apply to additional bins where residents meet the criteria for extra capacity. If a bin is damaged as part of the emptying process or goes in the back of the refuse collection vehicle, these bins will be replaced free of charge.

It is hoped that this change will encourage a ‘recycling first’ mindset across the city that will increase the city’s recycling rate. As much as 70% of household waste can be recycled but the current recycling rate in the city is well below that at 36.7%.

As the effects and challenges of climate change become ever more present, simple actions like wasting less and recycling more are one of the easiest ways residents in Derby can do their bit in the fight against climate change.

Residents are also being encouraged to add their address to bins to reduce the chance of them being lost or stolen and replacements being needed.

Councillor Jerry Pearce, Cabinet Member for Streetpride and Public Spaces commented:

We believe that by removing the charge for additional brown bins it will encourage even more residents to recycle their garden and food waste through composting. We really want residents to view their black bin as a last resort for their waste. Instead, we’d like them to focus on reducing their waste altogether and recycling using kerbside collections.

The full report can be viewed on the Derby City Council website

Visit the Derby City Council website for further information about recycling in Derby