Canvassers will visit households in Derby from Thursday 16 September until Monday 15 November to help ensure the Electoral Register is up to date. Some households will receive a phone call instead of a personal visit. 

If you've received an Electoral Registration canvass form you should check if you need to respond. Follow the instructions to respond online or return the form by post to avoid a visit.

All canvassers conducting visits will have a Council photo ID badge. They will confirm the details on the register are correct, and if anything has changed will update the records. Visits usually last about two minutes.

If you have already responded to one of our canvass letters and had to add your name you will need to complete an application to register. You can do this by visiting If you don't register online, we will send you an Invitation to Register form.

People who have lived at their address for less than a year are significantly less likely to be correctly registered than those who have lived at their address for longer. If you move to a new house you can register online at any time. If you have missed our annual canvass letter for your new home, you may still be visited by a canvasser, who will confirm that your registration has been successful. The canvasser will also check to make sure that entries for previous occupants are removed from your address.

Emily Feenan, Director of Legal, Procurement and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer said:

It’s important that we have the right details on the electoral register for every address in Derby so if you haven’t already responded then please do as soon as possible to reduce the number of visits we need to make. 

You need to be registered to make sure you are able to have your say at elections taking place next year.

If you'd like more information about the canvass please email the Elections team or call 01332 640837. Deaf customers can text 07774 333412.