A 12-week consultation regarding improvements around the Spot is ending on Sunday 16th January 2022. Over 210 responses have already been submitted through the online survey form. Those who would like to have their say should visit our webpage to leave their thoughts about the proposed improvements before the closing date.

The consultation was launched in October 2021 as part of the Transforming Cities programme. This consultation is aimed at gathering feedback on the suggested proposals covering the project area from Gower Street, into Babington Lane, St Peter's Street to its junction with Osmaston Road and London Road

The plan for the Spot is for it to be designed to improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians and make the location more disabled user friendly. The aim is to reduce vehicular traffic and improve the active travel options producing more attractive unified streets that strengthen the feeling of place and create local identity.

The plan proposes:

  • A contraflow cycle lane that is partly segregated from vehicles by trees
  • Relocation of Blue Badge Holder parking provision to Gower Street that has level access onto the street
  • Wider pavements with tree planting and attractive new sitting areas that incorporate disability accessible seats
  • Improved level crossing areas at the junction of London Road and Osmaston Road, and Babington Lane and Gower Street

The improvement scheme formed part of the £161m joint bid with Nottingham City Council to the Department of Transport’s Transforming Cities Fund, which is aimed at improving connections between major employment sites and promoting active travel and public transport.

The consultation can be viewed at Let's Talk Derby page of the Derby City Council website and we encourage views and responses from as many residents as a possible.

The Consultation will run until Sunday 16th January 2022.