From 23 May, Derby City Council will be issuing letters to all residents who aren’t signed up to pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit, inviting them to make an application to receive their energy rebate.

Letters will also be issued to those who have signed up but have missed the deadline, or those who have failed validation checks. Upon application, residents will be offered either a payment of £150 directly into their bank account or a £150 reduction on their Council Tax account. Your payment will be made as soon as possible after your application has been accepted, following the necessary checks.

Residents will have until 31 July 2022 to apply. After this date, Council Tax accounts will be automatically credited with £150. Where an account owes less than £150 (across all years), the Council will issue vouchers that can be exchanged for cash at local PayPoint stores.

The energy rebate scheme was introduced by the Government back in February 2022, to help certain households with rising energy bills.

To apply, residents should visit the Energy Rebate page and select section 11, 'Apply for your Council Tax Energy Rebate.'

The Council are aware there are currently a number of scams surrounding the rebate payment and have included a copy of the letter to residents on our website so residents can check to see if it is genuine.

Cllr Jonathan Smale, Cabinet Member for Finance, Assets and Digital Services said:

We are urging people who do not pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit to apply for the energy rebate payment as soon as possible, so we can get the money in your bank account more quickly.