Derby City Council has submitted their outline business case to government, which sets out the preferred option to tackle roadside NO2 emissions in the city.

The Council has been liaising with DEFRA since December 2015, after being informed that Derby was one of five local authority areas selected to take forward action to reduce Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) emissions from vehicles, in the shortest possible time.

The outline business case puts forward a traffic and network management solution to tackle the one area of exceedance identified on Stafford Street, and includes several junction design changes, and a significant modernisation of the Council’s urban traffic management system.

The information provided as part of the outline business case will be further refined up to the full business case stage, which will be submitted to government on the 26th March 2019. It will then be subject to the necessary approvals from the Secretary of State.

Verna Bayliss, Acting Director of Planning and Transportation said:

We continue to give this work the highest priority, and are fully committed to meeting our legal duty to reduce roadside NO2 emissions at the site of exceedance. We are confident that the traffic and network management scheme, is the most appropriate solution for Derby, that will deliver the reductions needed in the shortest possible time.