Verna Bayliss, Acting Director of Planning and Transportation, Derby City Council

“We continue to give this work the highest priority, and have been working closely with government over the feasibility project and delivery of the business case for the Roadside NO2 Local Air Quality Plan.

Due to a number of factors, and following discussions with government colleagues, revised timescales have been agreed for the council to submit the business case element of the project.  These factors include:

  • the highly technical and complex nature of the project
  • the methodology agreement and approval processes with central government
  • the extensive technical documentation requiring input and feedback from government
  • the need for appropriate levels of consultation to be carried out with stakeholders to ensure their concerns are given due consideration and
  • the need for the development of robust evidence to demonstrate the option refinement process.

The Council will be submitting the outline business case to the secretary of state on 25th February 2019, followed by the full business case, which will be submitted on 26th March 2019, in line with the agreed revised timescales.

We are confident that the traffic and network management scheme being developed as the preferred option to deliver the reductions in roadside NOwill be delivered in 2019, subject to the necessary approvals processes both internally and externally with government .

The Council are fully committed to addressing the air quality issue and delivering an appropriate solution for Derby in the shortest possible time. “