Business guidance
Social media marketing support
Social media can be a great online tool to boost communication with parents and raise awareness of your nursery. And the best part? It’s absolutely free!
Using social media in the early years sector, it might not be the first thing that you think of when it comes to engaging with parents that entrust you with the care of their children. Particularly due to the sensitive and confidential nature of the work that you do and adhering to Safeguarding Laws. However, sharing news, pictures or videos with parents of your setting allows them to see the day to day activities taking place and is a great tool to promote your setting to potential new customers.
Childcare Works has a detailed video presentation on marketing and social media from a childcare provider's perspective. It considers strategies to attract new families and retain existing ones. It highlights how effective marketing activity which includes digital and community-based marketing, events and social media.
The National Day Nurseries Association and Teach Early Years explain further how using social media is a powerful tool to connect with parents.
You can download a factsheet from the National Day Nursery Association which provides guidance when using social media on behalf of your setting and as a general user.
The Early Years Training Hub Facebook page can help support you in making decisions about your social media strategy.
Here are some useful links to training:
- Marketing and social media for the early years by The Early Years Alliance
- Marketing for Early Years Settings by The Early Years Training Hub
Childcare Works has created The HUB, a bank of resources freely available to providers. You will find a comprehensive library of the resources developed to support the roll-out of the early years and wraparound childcare expansion.
Early Years Inclusion Fund for children in Nursery with SEND
Information about the Early Years Inclusion Fund (EYIF) can be found on the Schools Information Portal. Please take the time to read through the information on the Schools Information Portal and familiarise yourself with the Request form.
If a child in your school or setting has an EHC plan, you should not apply for funding from EYIF. When the local authority has drafted a plan, we will determine an amount of top-up funding which should be appropriate for the level of provision based on the EHC needs assessment.
PVI setting SENCOs who would like some support with the forms should contact their link practitioner from the STePS Early Years SEND team on telephone 01332 641400 or email
If a claim gets put in for a child splitting childcare across more than one provider and one provider is funded and the other isn’t, the provider in receipt of funding will take priority and receive the whole allocation of EYIF.
Making childcare cost effective for families
The Government has a number of schemes for parents that help to reduce childcare fees. Are you promoting the funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds, particularly Flying Start offer and tax free childcare with your parents?
If you require more of the help with early learning childcare costs booklets, email
- Take Off funding for 9 month to 4 year olds
- Flying Start funding for 2 year olds
- Extended Entitlement
- Reducing the costs of childcare
Please work with parents to make sure they apply for and reconfirm their codes by the cut-off point of the 31 March, 31 August or 31 December.
Why not take a look at the Childcare Choices communications toolkit, you can use this free material to inform your website or social media promotion.
Nursery Milk Scheme
The Nursery Milk Scheme is operated by the Nursery Milk Reimbursement Unit (NMRU) on behalf of the Department of Health. It entitles children under 5 years, who attend approved childcare facilities to receive 189ml (1/3 pint) of milk each day, free of charge. To claim this free milk, register your childcare setting using the NMRU online registration form.
Ofsted are the regulator of childcare for children aged 0 to 8 years old, if you have any queries about your childcare registration, please contact Ofsted directly on 0300 123 1231 or email If you have any safeguarding incidents to report, please contact Ofsted as soon as possible keeping records of these contacts.
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Procedures
The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Procedures set out in detail how concerns about the welfare of children are looked into and gives information about local contacts, including where staff can get further advice and information. More information is available on the Policies and Procedures page.
What to do if you're worried a child is being abused is national guidance for practitioners that sets out the main steps to take to safeguard children.
PACEY - Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years
PACEY is the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years, they are dedicated to supporting everyone working in childcare and early years to provide high quality care and early learning for children and families.
PACEY provides training, practical help and expert advice to practitioners. You can find a wide range of resources and training on their webpages.
Morton Michel
Morton Michel is well known for their tailored childcare providers insurance policies. In addition to insurance, they offer a wide range of extra benefits to policyholders through their Childcare Club such as free Early Years training, free downloads including business forms and educational posters, savings on days out and discounts from selected suppliers.