Derby Homes have issued some advice for tenants and residents who both work and receive Universal Credit.

You may need to make sure your employer knows how to correctly report your December salary pay date to HMRC to make sure you get the right amount of Universal Credit now and in the future.


Universal Credit’s monthly assessment period is based on the date your first claim was made. Getting paid early in December could mean that two salary payments land in your bank account within your monthly assessment period. The combined salaries could take you above the threshold.

To ensure this doesn’t happen, your employer has been told to provide your original pay date to the HMRC, even though they may pay you earlier for Christmas.

For example, if normal/contractual payday is Tuesday 31 December 2019, but you’re going to get paid early on Friday 20 December 2019, your employer should report your payment date as 31 December and has to submit it to HMRC on or before 31 December.

If your employer reports your actual payday as the payment date on their “Full Payment Submission”, it may affect your current and future entitlements to Universal Credit.

To make sure this doesn’t happen, it may be worth reminding your employer to provide the payment date requested by the HMRC.

If you need any more advice about Universal Credit, contact Derby Advice on 01332 643394.