Derby City Council has worked tirelessly to secure additional support to ensure the collection of recycling waste continues.

Additional crews will be working alongside our Streetpride team to collect recycling waste from Tuesday 31st March.

Last week, we made the difficult decision to suspend the collection of our brown bins to allow us to focus on general waste and recycling collections. With the Government’s announcements on social distancing and vulnerable groups, our team size reduces. Knowing that this would mean the loss of even more routes, we quickly worked to establish alternatives to ensure we could continue to provide this critical service.

Collecting black bin and clinical waste remains our number one priority. We will continue to collect black bins and clinical waste on your normal collection schedule.

If your black bin is missed, please leave it out for 48 hours and we will do our very best to return to empty it. If after this time, your black bin hasn’t been emptied, please take it off the street until your next scheduled black bin collection. We cannot collect any additional black bin waste left at the side of bins.

With the addition of crews from partners in the waste sector, we will be able to maintain blue recycling bin collections. Please clearly present your bins on your scheduled collection day. We will do our utmost to collect additional recycling; please place this in boxes or loosely bag it so that crews can see what has been presented. Please do not use black bin bags.

As with black bin collections, if your blue bin is missed please leave it presented for 48 hours and we will attempt to return and empty it. After this time, please take your blue bin off the street. You can put it back out on your next scheduled blue bin collection.

We collect bins between Tuesday and Friday each week. If you bin is missed, you should present it on the following days and we will do everything we can to return and empty it. Please do not leave bins out on the street unless they are presented for collection.

If you have an assisted collection, crews will continue to collect your bin from a pre-agreed point and return it for you.

Check your bin day