Today, tougher national COVID restrictions come into force across the country, in response to a rapid rise in cases.

The new regulations, which are to be in place for at least a month, call for all citizens to stay at home unless for essential reasons.

From Thursday 5 November until at least Wednesday 2 December, the Government is asking the public to adhere to the following:

  1. Stay at home, except for specific purposes
  2. Prevent gathering with people we do not live with, except for specific purposes
  3. Close certain businesses and venues

Read about the new restrictions in full on the government or Derby City Council website.

Dr Robyn Dewis, Director of Public Health, Derby City Council, said:

Our actions now are more important than ever. We must consider today a turning point to reduce the transmission of the virus by staying home and staying safe.

If we do leave home, this must only be for essential reasons and we must continue to follow social distancing and handwashing guidelines.

We are all important in the fight against COVID. We have the power to reduce the risk of transmission between households and keep others safer.

Councillor Chris Poulter, Leader of Derby City Council, said:

From today, we all need to pull together by staying at home and acting with care.

Derby’s essential workers, health care services and businesses need our support during this time. The harder we work to follow the new restrictions now, the lesser the impact of the pandemic will be on our city.

While we must stay at home, no one should suffer in silence during this time. If you are finding yourself struggling due to the pandemic, do contact Derby’s Community Hub on 01332 640000.

Paul Simpson, Chief Executive, Derby City Council, said:

During the period of the new restrictions, we will continue to work closely with our business community to support and provide opportunities for our economy to adapt and recover. We will also ensure Derby receives the best possible financial support from Government, to enable us to work through this challenging period.

We have also put in place the necessary arrangements, so that we can continue to provide as many of our key services to Derby residents and businesses, as allowed under the new restrictions.

The government has confirmed that the new national restrictions will mean that businesses in the city may be eligible for additional financial support.

A new system is in the process of being set up to ensure the swift and smooth distribution of funding and details of how to apply will be announced soon.

Community support is also available to those who need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Derby’s Community Hub can be contacted on 01332 640000.

There will be some impact on Council services which are not able to run in line with Government guidance over the coming weeks. We will be updating our website regularly with the status of our services.