Today, Derby’s COVID alert level ‘High’ restrictions – also known as Tier 2 – come into force, following a rapid rise in cases in the city.

High alert level areas are those with a very high level of infections. As well as following the continued guidance to wash our hands, keep our distance and wear a face covering if we can, tier two restrictions mean:

  • people shouldn’t mix indoors with anyone who isn’t in their household or support bubble – whether at home, someone else’s home, pubs, restaurants, hotels or other hospitality venues, leisure venues or shops
  • outdoors people should stick to the rule of 6, including children
  • if going on holiday, this should only be with the people they live with or that are in their support bubble
  • family and friends can provide informal childcare as part of a childcare bubble – the bubble is limited to 2 households only so that informal childcare is provided by the same carers each time
  • people can only visit care homes in exceptional circumstances
  • all businesses, leisure facilities and other places which are allowed to open by law can remain open providing they meet COVID-19 secure guidance
  • pubs, bars restaurants and other hospitality venues close at 10.00pm – drive-through services, click and collect and delivery services can continue after 10.00pm
  • people can take part in sport and physical activity outdoors but organised indoor exercise classes are only permitted if it’s possible to avoid mixing with people you don’t live with or share a support bubble with – there are exceptions for children and people with a disability

All restrictions are being consistently monitored and evaluated by the government, Public Health England and local councils to ensure they are still necessary and appropriate for the area.

Dr Robyn Dewis, Director of Public Health for Derby City Council, said:

Derby is not alone in facing a rise in cases – this is, unfortunately, a national trend and may continue as we move into winter.

However, Derby’s rapid rise in infections is concerning and it is paramount that we take these new restrictions seriously for the sake of our loved ones as well as the city itself, which could face harsher restrictions if Tier 2 is not followed.

Not mixing with other households, working from home if we can, as well as remembering to keep washing our hands and keep our distance, are our best forms of prevention against spreading COVID and, ultimately, the need for more severe restrictions.

Councillor Chris Poulter, Leader of Derby City Council, said:

“While the move to Tier 2 is not one that has been taken lightly, it is necessary to ensure we work to reduce transmission in the city and therefore reduce the likelihood of harsher restrictions.

“Following the new restrictions now will help to protect our businesses, health care services and economy. We should not underestimate the importance of our actions at this time – we can all play our part in helping Derby.”

Derby City Council has confirmed that Tier 2 restrictions will mean that businesses in the city may be eligible for additional financial support.

A new system is in the process of being set up to ensure the swift and smooth distribution of funding and details of how to apply will be announced soon.

Community support will also be available to those who need it as we move into tighter restrictions. Derby’s Community Hub can be contacted on 01332 640000.

You can read more details about the system and what each tier entails on the government website.