It’s safe to say that this has been a difficult year for many people. But as we move into winter, some may begin to struggle more.

Ahead of the colder months, it is important to plan ahead wherever possible to keep yourself and your loved ones warm and well.

Whether it be getting your flu jab or ensuring your home is heated correctly, proactive steps can help to keep you safe throughout wintertime.

However, even with best laid plans, there may come times when extra support is needed – particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each year we work with partners to deliver Derby City Council’s Stay Warm and Well in Derby program to try and help vulnerable people to keep warm, safe and well at home through the cold winter months.

Derby City Council’s team are here to offer support for a variety of difficulties and concerns:

  • Cold homes
  • COVID-19 support
  • Energy bills or tariff
  • Energy efficiency support
  • Financial hardship
  • Food shopping or bills
  • Homelessness or eviction
  • Home maintenance
  • Help with medical appointments
  • Help with prescriptions
  • Information on the winter flu jab

Please view our Stay warm and well in Derby this winter online for more information on the support available.

Councillor Roy Webb, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Housing said:

The pandemic has greatly impacted on many who may feel lost and under pressure, and the cold weather can exacerbate these difficulties.

Our teams want everyone in Derby to know that there is help available if you are struggling. Whether it be due to COVID-19, energy bills or homelessness, we are here to talk and support you.

For those who are finding themselves struggling this winter, do not hesitate to call us on 01332 640000 or go to the Council website to find out more.

The Department of Health has issued a guide ‘Keep Warm – Keep Well’ which offers advice on how to keep yourself warm. The leaflet also includes details for organisations offering practical solutions, financial assistance, and safety advice.

NHS Derbyshire Healthcare Trust has also compiled contacts, information and guidance for those who may be facing a mental health problems to access quickly.