Council Tax and business rates phone lines

The telephone service for Council Tax and business rates is currently unavailable. You can still contact us online to tell us of any changes in circumstances, make a payment arrangement or make a payment. Our telephone service will resume on Thursday 19 September.

If your business involves any of the following you will need to register the business with us:

  • Selling food
  • Cooking food
  • Storing or handling food
  • Preparing food
  • Distributing food

If your business only prepares a limited amount of food or is only holding a one off event you may not have to register.  If you think this applies to your business please contact us for further advice.  

If you are manufacturing or processing meat, dairy, eggs or fish products which are not being sold to the final consumer you may need approval, for further information see Food manufacturers and approved premises

Once we have received your food registration form we will write to you to confirm your business has been placed on the food business register. Part of the register is open to the public but your personal information will be kept confidential.  

Once your business is on the food business register you will be subject to food safety and hygiene inspections, in accordance with our inspection programme. 

For more information on what to expect at the inspection, along with the frequency of the inspections, see Food hygiene inspections.

You do not have to wait for your first inspection. Once you have registered you can start to trade as long as you comply with food hygiene laws.

If you decide to sell or close your food business you will need to inform us.

You must also notify us if there is any changes to the business such as:

  • the name of the business
  • the owner of the business
  • the address of the business
  • the business activity
  • the type of food you are selling
  • if any of your contact details have changed.