Council Tax and business rates phone lines

The telephone service for Council Tax and business rates is currently unavailable. You can still contact us online to tell us of any changes in circumstances, make a payment arrangement or make a payment. Our telephone service will resume on Thursday 19 September.

If your house was constructed after 2000, the planning process should have ensured that the risk of contamination was assessed and dealt with by the developer who built the houses.

Our Planning Pages have details of planning applications submitted within Derby and the information about action taken.

To view a map of our Potentially Contaminated sites, see the Derby maps app and follow these steps.

In the app:

  1. Click 'Choose an Option'
  2. Select 'Choose Map Layers' and the 'Map Features' menu will load
  3. From the 'Map Features' select 'Environment and planning' and then 'Potentially contaminated sites'.

These are identified in green and clicking on the site will give information about that site.

Please note, just because contamination is present on land, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is a problem.

We will advise development control on planning applications and may recommend that a planning condition is attached if it is known, or suspected, to have had a potentially contaminative history. 

The proposed use of the land is also an important factor, with residential uses being most significant.

You should appoint a suitably qualified consultant to undertake the required site investigation and interpretation of results to satisfy the conditions placed on the grant of outline planning permission.

For more details refer to A guide to submitting applications for land that may be contaminated , Version 4 – March 2010 Produced by the Derbyshire Contaminated Land Sub-Group.

Contaminated land enquiries - £90 per hour (including vat)